British-Nigerian designer Yinka Ilori designed the Reflection in Numbers pavilion to encourage reflection on racism in sport. The creation of the art object is timed to coincide with the Euro 2024 football tournament taking place in Germany. Presented at Berlin's Haus der Kulturen der Welt as part of the program "Ballet for the Masses - About Football and Catharsis", the installation features mirrors that remind visitors of their personal responsibility and serve as a "stimulus for self-reflection."
“Mirrors help visitors think about their behavior and interactions with other people,” says Ilori. “They are needed to make it difficult for people to hide if they are shouting or swearing, as often happens in sports fields and stadiums. Another aspect I thought about when designing this pavilion was how spiritual football can be as a sport. It brings people together into communities, allowing them to share their joys and sorrows with others.”
One side of the pavilion is translucent and built from the fruit of the calabash, or gourd, a plant often used in everyday life in West African communities. “To me, the calabash is a symbol of peace,” says Ilori. “It often becomes a ritual offering that brings communities together.” I hope that using this plant as material for Reflection in Numbers will remind people of the role sport plays in the world and the power of reflection.” The other side of the pavilion is decorated with a wooden structure painted yellow.
Inside the pavilion there are steps for seating that wrap around the central space. Around them is a sea of mirrors built into calabashes. The facility has been open to visitors since June 7 as part of the festival, which is funded by the EURO 2024 Football and Culture Fund and the German government. It became part of an extensive program dedicated to football, which takes place at the House of World Cultures.
Yinka Ilori Pavilion in Berlin