A mirror is an essential element of a bathroom. The object is not just purely utilitarian. Designers advise hanging a mirror in the bathroom to visually increase the area of a rather compact room, as a rule, and also to increase the amount of light. In addition, it can become an expressive accent in the interior, which you do not want to clutter with unnecessary details.
Bathroom Mirror Trends
Today, there are all sorts of shapes to choose from: from laconic rectangles to asymmetrical compositions, as if assembled from fragments. But among the most popular models is a round mirror in the bathroom.

Very small or huge, equipped with lighting or shelves, frameless or with an effective frame - they confidently take their place in space. Designers use round mirrors both solo and in a duet, for couples living together. And also make compositions of several mirrors of different sizes. Another popular solution is a small round mirror, "built" into a rectangular mirror sheet, covering a large section of the wall.